-Still on Station-
This website is respectfully dedicated to the shipmates who can no longer make roll call.

USS ASTORIA CA-34 in her 1939-1940 configuration during a main battery tracking exercise.
-U.S Navy photo from NARA collection 80-G-1027107
USS ASTORIA, "Nasty Asty" to her crew, was originally lead ship of her class of heavy cruiser. She saw service in the United States Navy from April 1934 through August 1942, when she was lost in night action off Guadalcanal. This is the story of a fine ship and the men who served aboard her.

-photo from Brent Jones collection
Click the sections below to learn more:
In Memoriam: Those Still on Watch

About the Photography
Sources of images for this site and the restoration process.

Pre-War History 1930-1939
USS ASTORIA's construction, commissioning, and peacetime cruises.
World War II History 1940-1942
Her final days before the war and service at the Coral Sea, Midway and Guadalcanal.

Ship's Crew Complement
Images and stories of the officers and men who served aboard USS ASTORIA CA-34.

About the Ship
Technical information and photos of USS ASTORIA CA-34.

Further reading, links and acknowledgments.

The Legacy of USS ASTORIA
Four ships of the United States Navy have carried the name ASTORIA. Learn about them here.

This site has been in development since June 2008 and will be updated as new information becomes available. Every effort will be made to present an informative, accurate account of the ASTORIAs.
If you would like to contribute, comment, or feel that anything is stated in error, please contact me at brentj@mighty90.com.
Thank you for visiting,
-Brent Jones